mastered, reading seems effortless, and for the reader it’s
beside the point to consider how it actually works. But for a type designer
important to grasp the surprising complexities of reading, and very useful
to understand which typographic features promote readability and which ones
impede it.
¶When reading, our eyes perform
saccades (jumps), fixating on various points along a given line of text. During
a fixation, all the information from the retina is used to compile the meaning
of the text, and to determine the next point of fixation. The retina itself
can be demarcated into the fovea, a small region of high acuity, and the parafovea,
a large region where acuity drops off steeply.

relevance of the blurry parafovea to the act of reading is fundamental: single
letters become undecipherable, so we generally rely on whole words instead.
A direct result is that the readability of a font is dependent most on the
distinctiveness of sequences
of letterforms. ¶In
the example on the right, the pronounced modularity and diminutive ascenders
of Avant Garde render the word kind
ambiguous in Fixation 1; this causes a wasteful subsequent fixation upon it.
Wasteful, because readability
is inversely proportional to the number of fixations

nebulous shape of a given word is called its bouma,
and a font which produces more distinctive boumas enjoys greater readability.
distinctiveness depends more on ascenders and descenders than what seems intuitive.
This is because conscious judgment relies entirely on direct
and deliberate foveal observation, while immersive
reading does not.
What makes individual letterforms most legible isn’t
necessarily what is optimal for
readability. ¶Using
the same surface area, the seemingly smaller font on the right produces better
boumas. To
be continued...
